Friday, March 9, 2007


Historically, there has been enormous fluidity and variety to the way in which Jews have observed Kasherved in America.

A touristic imperative on the part of kosher consumers is arguable responsible, at least in part for fueling the industry’s tremendous growth. Also noteworthy is the proliferation of kosher restaurants serving authentic cuisines. Jew and non-Jews harbor about the meaning of kosher are vital as well. In a sense, the preponderance of so many beliefs and practices may be a phenomenon distinct to, if not characteristic of, America. As far as who observes the laws of kashrut, some Jews who define themselves as kashrut-observant abide by the biblical laws only. A major distinguishing factor of America supermarkets is the sheer volume of products on their shelves. In fact, the kosher food industry has become, by some estimates, a multibillion-dollar one, serving countless consumers, both Jewish and non-Jewish. Since its market launch in 1912, the Oreo cookie has held the imagination and the taste buds of a nation in thrall. The Oreo seems to have aymbolic meaning that extends even beyond more obvious food associations. When most people think about Jew and the concept of kosher, they often think first bout food. Kosher is the root of the word kosher. Interestingly, the non-Jew’s perception of the meaning of kashrut is significant too in the mass marketing of kosher product. For some, he cooking styles of other Jews-no matter how foreign or familiar the cuisine-is not exotic enough. Of far more appeal would be finding out what distinctly nonkosher foods taste like, but being able to do it in a kosher fashion. Some commentators maintain that the value of kashrut is its elevation of mundane necessities to a spiritual level. It is arguable that food preparation and eating are rather direct link to apritual fulfillment. Jewish theology considers each person a partner with God. Torah is therefore dynamic and fluid. The emphasis placed on the importance of widespread certification, it is argued, suggests to the world that kashrut, indeed Jewish religious observance itself, is vital, adaptable, and relevant to today’s world.

Virtually any version of the American dream that the kosher diner harbors can now be conjured up with relative ease.

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