Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Rotkovitz - Kashering the Melting Pot

1. ---The Jews have observed Kashrunt in America. The availability of foods certified as Kosher has grown exponentially. So, the American Jews have been able to keep the Kosher dietary laws:
n More ease
n Stringency
---The observant American Jewish community included some multiple phenomena of culinary tourism. It related to the burgeoning Kashrut certification industry.
---There are now Kosher Japanese, Thai, Italian, Indian, and French restaurants.
---The “Kosher Creole cookbook”
n Recipe for Kosher food
n Some without transgressing the Koshers laws
---Many observant Jews seek out Kosher ways to eat like Americans.
---Whatever tourist imperative, the observant Jew feels confounded.
---Reform Jews are not mandated to keep Kosher.
---Some Jews who define Kashrut-observant abide by the biblical laws only.
Some eat only Kosher food on a single set of dishes.
Some keep Kosher homes but not outside eat.
---The observant Jews today may have less freedom in determine their own standards of Kashrut.

2. ---The Kosher food industry has severing countless consumers, both Jewish and non-Jewish.
---The Kosher-certified products is a welcome convenience from the perspective of observant American Jews.

3. ---The Oreo cookie as an American Icon
u has held the imagination in 1912
u cited by poll immediately and definitively
u is a firmly entrenched symbol of popular American culture
u have symbolic meaning that extends even beyond more obvious food associations
---“Oreo” has been used as a racial descriptor.
---Oreo’s value in the lunchbox trade
---Oreo cookie contained lard until 1993.
u Representative of the United States
u Land of freedom and equal opportunity
u Was off-limits to American Jews

4. ---Jews in America
American Jews struggle to remain a distinct people.

5. ---The meaning of Kashrut
u about food
u a logical association
u perhaps the most common application
u is a Hebrew word, means “fitness”
---Kosher is the root of the “Kashrut”.

6. ---The rise of “Techno-Kashrut”
---Fourth-generation animal by products would be considered non-kosher.
---The kashrut industry has become as technologically.
---Various intricacies regarding Kosher food manufacturing.
---Many people believe the Kosher food:
is cleaner
free from adulteration
extra level of supervision
more stringently supervised
more stringently supervised
more wholesome

7. ---The conversion
---“Spring Oreos” made by blue cream centers
---Oreo had selected the color in 1996.
---The cake with the red and green color combination resonates as symbolic of Christmas. It is an example for mom-Kosher food.
---“Conversion” is so often used regaining a company’s decision to begin manufacturing Kosher products.

8. ---Treif Chinese to Kosher Sushi
---Observant Jews want the opportunity to enjoy the foods of other cultures.
---“Eat out” has no longer required.
---Jews sought to shed the image of a ghettoized people, and want to fully experience the freedoms promised in America.
---Chinese food was perceived as exotic, while the Chinese restaurant owners welcomed all diners.
---Chinese as “safety treyf”, it is most important reason why Jess adoption of the cusine.
---Chinese cooking often use the pork an shellfish (overtly non-Kosher animals)
---Use the chopping and mining were hard to detect.
---Milk is absent in Chinese cuisine.
---Chinese food were tastes that both Jews and Chinese preferred, such as onions, garlic and sweet and sour flavors.
---Both Chinese and European Jews were tea drinkers.
---Both of them hold Chicken soup in high esteem for its purported healing powers.
---We also found sushi chefs at fashionable Kosher weddings.
---Kosher Persian in Baltimore
Kosher barbecue in Chicago\
Kosher Thai in New York
---Jews are becoming quite familiar with formerly exotic cuisines.

9. ---The gastronomic Jew means a person who may not attend synagogue or observe the Sabbath.

10. ---Nowadays, observant American Jews can shop with same convenience, for many of same foods as Americans.

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