Friday, March 28, 2008

Tuesday's class & Preparing for the exam


I have spent the last few days putting (almost) all the reading responses up (there are one or two of you who didn't email them to me, which means I type them in by hand, which means I hate you and you're going to fail this course and thus university and never get a good job and your children will die of one of those weird skin infections that only ever happens to children whose parents don't submit things to me by email), so you now have the study guide. Use the labels on the right to look through them. If someone can figure out a sexy way to combine them into one easy to print off file, all power to you.

On Tuesday's class we'll have the last of the presentations and I'll hand out what I call "the cheat sheet" (I'll also put up a link to it for those who are missing).

Some people are bringing food: hey, just sayin'.