Friday, March 16, 2007


In the article, Pass the Tofu, Please. Liz Wilson talks about, affluent segments of America’s post baby boom generation have contributed to revival of interest in diet as a means of self care. Affluent boomers take the dictum, "you are what you eat" in its declaratory sense, declaring their so cosmopolitanism and educational attainment. Affluent baby boomers are adventurous eaters. Where as the consumption of meat served as a marker of status for many prewar Americans, the consumption baby boom ethos favors plant based foods as a substitute for or supplement to meats. Thanks to the main streaming and mass marketing of Asian vegetarian foods that were first popularized by members of the counter culture in the 1960's and 1970's.

The macrobiotic movement, which gained widespread attention in the late 60's early 70's brought Asian foods to many American dinner tables and was the first step in a trend of interest in the traditional Japanese diet as a source of wellness a trend that has continued unabated into the 21st century. Small amounts of chicken and fish are permitted, the macrobiotic is mainly vegetarian. The essentials of macrobiotic died include whole grain cereals, beans, fresh vegetables and other whole natural foods chosen with attention to yin( earthy, cold, soft and contractive) or yang (heavenly, hot, dry and expansive) Yin foods are grown in the summer, vegetables and fruit. Yang foods are winter foods, meat, fish and eggs. The ideal is a reach a balance of yin and yang foods. Interest in food’s declarative function, its ability to say something about the identity of the eater, is an important theme in today’s culinary tourism.

In analyzing the appeal of Asian foods and food supplements for Americans baby boomers, it appears that such form of culinary tourism reveals a desire to engage and experience a variety of presumed others. In favoring Asian vegetarian foods out of health and ecological concerns, boomers associate themselves with an alternative lifestyle or ethos this is identified simultaneously with the past and the future.

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